What Others Have Said

Here is a collection of what famous and infamous people have said, and journalists and media people have written about Per Bylund. (Please report more such comments, contact)

10/22/2007, Lew Rockwell, LewRockwell.com
“Per, your presence will improve the US, and the economics profession.”

11/23/2005, Rush Limbaugh, the Rush Limbaugh Show
“[...] I want to read you a little philosophy here from the little-known philosopher Per Bylund, and it will describe much of today’s agitated, angry, kook fringe left when you stop and think about it. ‘Only people...’ Per Bylund. P-e-r B-y-l-u-n-d. I told you he’s little known. It’s my job to know who these people are. He’s little known. He’s a little-known philosopher, Libertarian. Google him. You’ll see. ‘Only people not able to grow tall from their own efforts and achievements seek to subdue their fellow man.’ (repeats) ‘Only people not being able to find comfort in their own mind seek to silence others. Those who are unable to produce their own wealth aim to confiscate the wealth of others.’ Now, the first two of these, only people not able to grow tall from their own efforts and achievements seek to subdue their fellow man, that’s just a flowery way of saying that people who don’t think that they’ve amounted to much will try to take down others around them, so they don’t feel so small [...].
     ‘Only people not being able to find comfort in their own mind seek to silence others’. Well, how many people do you know that do not want to hear anything that challenges their world view? They don’t want to hear it. They don’t want to get anywhere near it, because they’ve constructed for themselves a little safety net or a cocoon in which to live, which they view the world in a certain way and anything that challenges it is automatically rejected, just like they got a boundary of body armor. It just bounces right off, and of course it goes without saying that those who are unable to produce their own wealth aim to confiscate the wealth of others. I mean that’s axiomatic and that’s probably, you know, Roman Numeral Number I in the liberal handbook. So it’s nothing more than a confident attitude and if you’re confident in your conservatism, don’t let somebody’s mannerisms or attitude fluster you. Turn it right around on them.” [expand]

11/22/2005, Jim Davies at Strike the Root
“Per is not only a brilliant thinker and prolific author (in two languages!) he founded an anarchist website before many of us got our brains in gear and has engaged in debate there all comers from both Left and Right. More yet: he is the one who rallied [5]00 people to march for capitalism in a recent, freezing [December] in Stockholm, of all places! If you announced at any Stockholm cocktail party ‘I am a capitalist’, a deathly hush would fall as everyone wondered if the cat had brought you in. Even the Conservatives in Sweden have to call themselves ‘Moderate’ (moderately socialist, that is) in order not to be ignored. Sweden is where people write their newspaper editors to beg that taxes not be reduced!
     So when Per says we need to stop trying to save the world, we should, like those hearing E.F. Hutton, take care to listen.”



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